AppStore Screenshots

Allowed to improved our conversion rate by 15,6%



Cizoo is a karaoke app allowing you to sing always in tune:
It has 300 000 users and worked with clients like Adidas, Chanel or Heineken

I am a Cofounder and was Cizoo's CPO during 5 years, during which I managed to make it grow from 0 to 300 000 users on iOS.


The former screenshots, while working efficiently, did not conveyed all the features of the app properly and failed to deliver the social & fun aspect of the app.
We thought that we could modernise them while at the same time aiming for increasing our conversion rate. The goals were twofolds: aligning them with our Brand Identity and increasing our downloads.


How to increase our conversion rate while maintaining a strong visual identity?

These were the former screenshots

App store + login optimisation.jpg


I worked with the great Pierre Degeorges on this.

What we did :

  • Defined thoroughly our objectives and prioritized them

  • Made a benchmark of similar apps

  • Sketched our ideas and selected the best ones

  • Tested those concepts with InVision on more than 20 users

App store + login optimisation (2).jpg


We managed to find a great balance between a modern isometric design and to display the most important features in a more visible way. The Brand Identity was stronger and catchier.


Our conversion rates were already above 4%, but we managed to increase them by 15,6%.

BG-iPhoneXR Copy.png

Europe 1 Interview


Landing Page